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Chapter 3304 The Crazy Tales Rosalita:>Ep11

  • And Rosalita and I weren't the only ones whose lives had been turned upside down. Mom's flirting with me became more steadily obvious, especially after she and Dad sat me down the first week in May and announced that they were going to try a temporary separation. "We have some issues that your Mom and I need to work out," Dad said in his best 'fatherly' voice. Dad informed me that for a while, he was moving out, taking an apartment downtown to be nearer his office.
  • Now, I had known that things had been rocky between Mom and Dad for a few years. Their arguments had grown increasingly hostile and loud and it was no secret that the fire had gone out of their love life and that recent efforts to rekindle things had been a dismal failure. Dad appeared to have lost interest in sex just as Mom desired more and more.
  • Things grew even more complicated when just a few days after Dad moved, the rumors began to fly about Dad being seen in public with a young woman that used to work in his office. From the shouting matches Mom had with Dad over the phone, it sounded like Dad had simply moved in with this young woman and that the relationship had been ongoing for quite some time. I guess we were wrong about Dad and his interest in sex.
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